Thursday, March 20, 2008

My husband doesn't forward emails very often, so when he does, I know it's going to be something I'll appreciate. He received this image the other day, and sent it on to me. I thought this would be a great time to learn how to upload a photo to my blog, and how fitting that I received this during Holy Week! I haven't researched to see if it's true or not, but this is labeled as being done with a single stroke of a pen (if you click on the picture, you can see an enlarged version). Whether or not that's correct, it's a beautiful piece of artwork, and provides a focus for what's most important: Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Your husband has great taste!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, there we go! (I forgot my blogger password, so although I am "anonymous", I am Sharon.) I also highly suspect that the 6:38 comment came from "your husband"!

Just wanted to say how cool, Becky, that you have your own blog page now! Also, that I too love this picture and loved your comment on it.

Happy Easter!!!