Monday, July 7, 2008

New Toy

I got a new tool for my studio this last week. For a long time, I've wanted a better quality paper cutter. I had a cheapo guillotine cutter, but I never was satisfied with it for a couple of reasons. (1) Either the grid on the surface was off, or the cutting edge was off. I never could get a standard piece of cardstock cut in half so that when folded for a card, the edges would match up. It drove me crazy! (2) It was impossible to cut a small sliver off the edge of anything lighter weight than cardstock.

I had done some research several years ago, and found a cutter I wanted, but hesitated at the price. Later, I wished I had taken the plunge, because the company changed hands, the factory moved to another state, and they're still not back in production. The website gives no indication as to when they'll be ready for production, and there's a long wait list. I kept hoping I'd see one on Ebay, but no luck until recently. I bid until I felt I couldn't go any higher, and it sold for a pretty high price.

So...I decided I needed to think differently. I did some more research, and found this paper cutter. It's made by a German company (Dahle), and is supposed to be a good quality cutter. The blade is self-sharpening, and it can cut even thin papers cleanly. I tried a piece of text weight paper, and was able to cut a slice so thin it curled! So far, I'm very happy with it. My old cutter is down in the basement, and I'll use it for cutting things like chipboard.

Gotta love a good tool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Won't it be nice to be able to cut straight lines!!