Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Paper Scrap Storage, Part 2

Here is the system I use for my smaller paper scraps. These drawer units were bought at Target, but I haven't seen this size since then. These are a little deeper than the small units available there now. I like these because they're deep enough to hold a half sheet from 8.5 x 11 paper. The labels aren't very clear in the picture; Brown; Reds; Blue/Green; Black; Yellow; White. I don't know why, but I feel no need to keep these in alphabetical order (very unlike me!).

When I need a small scrap for a card, or want a piece to punch a shape, I look in these drawers first. I used to throw them in willy-nilly, but found it a hassle to search through the drawer; I also overlooked a lot of smaller pieces. I started storing the smallest pieces in snack size or smaller (look in the craft store with the beads) zip lock bags within the drawer. This works well for me; it corrals all those small pieces in one place and makes them easy to find. Sometimes I get out a punch and use it on some of the smaller scraps so I have a supply of flowers, birds, circles, etc. This is a great way to use up some very small pieces I would otherwise be tempted to toss.

Happy experimenting!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I will ever reach your level of organization, but you have lots of great tips! Want to come design a storage unit for my craft room? :)